
I am trying to hit an API and to get its response using AXIOS+Java Script+Protractor. I am getting below message in console, can someone please help me?


const axios = require('axios');
    .then(function(response) {
    .catch(function(error) {
    .finally(function() {
        // always executed 

Please find the below console log:

Error: connect ETIMEDOUT at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (net.js:1161:14) errno: 'ETIMEDOUT', code: 'ETIMEDOUT', syscall: 'connect', address: '', port: 443, config: { url: 'https://reqres.in/api/users/2', method: 'get', headers: { Accept: 'application/json, text/plain, /', 'User-Agent': 'axios/0.19.0' }, transformRequest: [ [Function: transformRequest] ], transformResponse: [ [Function: transformResponse] ], timeout: 0, adapter: [Function: httpAdapter], xsrfCookieName: 'XSRF-TOKEN', xsrfHeaderName: 'X-XSRF-TOKEN', maxContentLength: -1, validateStatus: [Function: validateStatus], data: undefined }, request: Writable { _writableState: WritableState { objectMode: false, highWaterMark: 16384, finalCalled: false, needDrain: false, ending: false, ended: false, finished: false, destroyed: false, decodeStrings: true, defaultEncoding: 'utf8', length: 0, writing: false, corked: 0, sync: true, bufferProcessing: false, onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite], writecb: null, writelen: 0, bufferedRequest: null, lastBufferedRequest: null, pendingcb: 0, prefinished: false, errorEmitted: false, emitClose: true, bufferedRequestCount: 0, corkedRequestsFree: [Object] }, writable: true, _events: { response: [Function: handleResponse], error: [Function: handleRequestError] }, _eventsCount: 2, _maxListeners: undefined, _options: { protocol: 'https:', maxRedirects: 21, maxBodyLength: 10485760, path: '/api/users/2', method: 'GET', headers: [Object], agent: undefined, auth: undefined, hostname: 'reqres.in', port: null, nativeProtocols: [Object], pathname: '/api/users/2' }, _redirectCount: 0, _redirects: [], _requestBodyLength: 0, _requestBodyBuffers: [], _onNativeResponse: [Function], _currentRequest: ClientRequest { _events: [Object], _eventsCount: 6, _maxListeners: undefined, output: [], outputEncodings: [], outputCallbacks: [], outputSize: 0, writable: true, _last: true, chunkedEncoding: false, shouldKeepAlive: false, useChunkedEncodingByDefault: false, sendDate: false, _removedConnection: false, _removedContLen: false, _removedTE: false, _contentLength: 0, _hasBody: true, _trailer: '', finished: true, _headerSent: true, socket: [TLSSocket], connection: [TLSSocket], _header: 'GET /api/users/2 HTTP/1.1\r\nAccept: application/json, text/plain, /\r\nUser-Agent: axios/0.19.0\r\nHost: reqres.in\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n', _onPendingData: [Function: noopPendingOutput], agent: [Agent], socketPath: undefined, timeout: undefined, method: 'GET', path: '/api/users/2', _ended: false, res: null, aborted: undefined, timeoutCb: null, upgradeOrConnect: false, parser: null, maxHeadersCount: null, _redirectable: [Circular], [Symbol(isCorked)]: false, [Symbol(outHeadersKey)]: [Object] }, _currentUrl: 'https://reqres.in/api/users/2' }, response: undefined, isAxiosError: true, toJSON: [Function] }

please add some code and more information so that the community can help you out. For instance, What code you ran that gave this error ?bUff23
Please find the below code which i have usedDivya Reddy
const axios = require('axios'); axios.get('jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/todos/1') .then(function (response) { console.log(response); }) .catch(function (error) { console.log(error); }) .finally(function () { // always executed });Divya Reddy
@DivyaReddy Is your response logged ? for the first thenMadhan

1 Answers


The reason for this ETIMEDOUT error might be some proxy in front of this endpoint. If that is the reason, then you should modify your request config by passing the proxy host and port along with the endpoint URL.