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How to post on facebook wall using Facebook android SDK, without opening dialog box
How to post message on facebook wall using Facebook android SDK integrate android app
Here's a small example that will post to a friend's wall (or if userId is null then to the currently logged in user's wall):
protected void postToWall(String userId)
Bundle params = new Bundle();
params.putString("message", _messageInput.getText().toString());
params.putString("caption", "{*actor*} just posted a secret message.");
params.putString("description", "A secret message is waiting for you. Click the link to decode it.");
params.putString("name", "A Secret Message For You");
params.putString("picture", "");
params.putString("link", "" + _lookupKey);
asyncRunner.request(((userId == null) ? "me" : userId) + "/feed", params, "POST", new WallPostRequestListener());