I've got Flex Builder 3 running on a Mac. I'm using the Flex 3.2 SDK. I'd like to upgrade the SDK, so that I can target Flash Player 10. I've never upgraded the SDK; and I don't want to blow it and foul up my old projects.
I found this link to upgrade the SDK, but I'm not sure which version to upgrade to-- milestone, stable, or nightly. Also, which type-- Adobe Flex SDK, Open Source Flex SDK, or Adobe Add-ons. I would assume that I need the Adobe Flex SDK.
I also found this upgrade link. Should I use this version instead?
I want to keep using Flex Builder 3. I'm not ready to upgrade to Flash Builder 4, yet.
As I understand it, I download the SDK, uninstall Flash, got to Preferences->Flex->Installed SDKs and add the zip, and then re-install Flash. If I want to work on an old project, I just select the old SDK.
Thank you.