
I'm trying to insert a formatted table that I have saved in word named "DV Table" as part of the building blocks using VBA. I need this table to be inserted at the 13th paragraph of the word document. Here's my code below. The first 3 lines just sets the selection to be at the 12th paragraph and create a new paragraph (13) after that. The last line of code is to insert the table. But when I run this, it gives the error.

Compile Error: Sub or Function not defined

I guess that this is not the proper way of defining the location. Would like some help on this. Thanks.

Selection.EndKey Unit:=wdLine

 ActiveDocument.AttachedTemplate.BuildingBlockEntries("DV Table" _
      ).Insert Where:=Paragraphs(13).Range.Select, RichText:=True
I'd suggest you learn how to use F1. Place the cursor in a keyword and press F1. This will bring up the MS help page for that keyword. Then read the help paying particular attention to the return type, if any.freeflow
can you help example on support microsoftIvan.s
Are you still struggling with this?Cindy Meister

1 Answers


The Where parameter requires a Range object. There are two problems with Paragraphs(13).Range.Select

  • it's a method - it's an action, selecting something, not returning an object
  • Paragraphs(13) isn't "fully qualified" - VBA doesn't know what it is/what is meant.

One possibility would be


Notice ActiveDocument. preceding Paragraphs: this "fully qualifies" Paragraphs(13) - it tells VBA to what that belongs. And, since Where requires a Range object, Paragraphs(13).Range should be a correct "target" (I have not tested your code).

Generally, it's preferable not to work with Selection, just with Range objects. There's usually no need to actually select something using VBA. An alternative to the code snippet in the question could be

Dim rng As Word.Range

Set rng = ActiveDocument.Paragraphs(13).Range
rng.Collapse wdCollapseEnd    'like pressing right-arrow for a selection
rng.Collapse wdCollapseStart  ' like pressing left-arrow for a selection
'rng.Select                   ' for testing / demo purposes
ActiveDocument.AttachedTemplate.BuildingBlockEntries("DV Table" _
               ).Insert Where:=rng, RichText:=True

In this case, the selection in the document does not change. There's no screen flicker; and code executes more quickly. This way of working takes getting used to, but once one is familiar with it, it's much easier to recognize what the code should be doing... Selection is rather vague as to what is being manipulated, especially if there's a lot of code using it.