
I need to remove any Authentication Key that the Storage Accounts of my subscriptions. Do you know if there is any way to remove it? I was looking for a cmdlet in powershell to do it but was unable to find it.

I was able to retrieve the list of Storage Accounts and check if there is an authentication key set, however I was unable to remove them. I tried to set them as null, but it didn't work

$colStorageAccounts = Get-AzureRMStorageAccount
for ($objStorageAccount in $colStorageAccounts)
    $objAccountKey = Get-AzureRMStorageAccountKey -ResourceGroupName $objStorageAccount.ResourceGroupName -AccountName $objStorageAccount.Id
    if ($objAccountKey -ne $null)
        here i should set the code for remove it
I don't think it's possible to remove, only to generate a new oneThiago Custodio
Thiago...you should put your comment as an answer please.Gaurav Mantri

1 Answers


As you can see from the list of commands supported on azure storage module, there is no command to delete account key, Instead you can remove the container if you need or generate a new one from the portal.