
i want to create one [hide menu] dropdown field in user creation form. then after show all the menus in the dropdown field and we can also select multiple menus at a time. then which menu we selected they will be hide for the particular user. how to do this if you know it please let me know.


2 Answers


This capability is available in odoo itself but the module cannot access. Enable debug. Go to technical in the settings section, edit the models, and access them there.


By default in odoo menus is depend on groups which group you are selecting for user and groups is realted with menus but according to your requirement it is also possible but you have to do modifications for that firstly you have to make relationship between user and menus (res.user and ir.ui.menu) in which you select the menus which user can see and after that there is a default function which is called during menu load you can override it and show menus according to your choice to the user.