I have a FormGroup which contain a FormArray. The FormArray is integrated with a multi checkbox code. These multicheckbox actually represent subcategories inside parent categories. parent categories are not an option to select. but subcategories are. When i assigned values which are already selected from ts file. i set the status of FormControl to true and push it in formArray in sequence. Eg. Loop 1 Start and then Loop 2 start and then on the basis of Loop2 value selected status i created FormControl with value true and pushed inside FormArray.
Now the problem is when i present this FormArray in html file. inside nested NgFor i need to supply only incremented values in FormControl as you can see on the blow codes. But I have no clue how to achieve that. because ngFor loop1 will provide index i and ngFor loop2 will provide index j but i need index k on the basis of the total iteration is going.
I have tried ngFor loop2 index j inside FormControlName but as you know this will iterate many times from the beginning, hence there would be same name controller. and hence if i select first item of first category, it will show me that one selected for all the first subcategories of categories.
<div class="row" *ngIf="categories">
<div class="col-md-3" *ngFor="let category of categories">
<h4> {{category.name}}</h4>
<div formArrayName="specialization">
<p *ngFor="let sub_category of category.sub_categories; index as i">
<input [formControlName]="i" type="checkbox" value="{{sub_category.id}}" (change)="onChecked($event)" />