
I have just finished upgrading my TFS Server from 2015 to 2018 and all is working well. I would like to now upgrade to TFS 2019 (Azure DevOps Server), however, all of the instructions I can find are rather disjointed.

Does anyone have a link to a step-by-step guide or something like that?

Since I have no customizations, I was assuming it was more of just a matter of running the installer on the DVD image and following the instructions.

Am I right in assuming one does not have to run the configuration wizard anymore?



1 Answers


First please pay attention to Requirements for Azure DevOps on-premises. Make sure your hardware already meet all requirements for Azure DevOps 2019.

For example:

enter image description here

If your setup is one server for the “Application Tier” and another SQL database server for the “Data Tier”. It's same with the environment if you put them in only one physical machine/server.

Since the “Data Tier” was already running with SQL Server 2016 (or above) on TFS 2018, so you only needed to upgrade the “Application Tier”.

During the server configuration wizard, you could directly configure the production upgrade.

Here is a blog with step-by-step tutorial and screenshot, please kind refer it-- Update OnPrem TFS 2018 to AzureDevOps Server 2019