(Reposted from Julia slack for posterity)
let’s say I have some constants like
const FooConst = 1
const BarConst = 2
and I also have some struct
struct Foo end
struct Bar end
and I now want to define a method for each struct to look up that constant
f(::Type{Foo}) = FooConst
f(::Type{Bar}) = BarConst
how would I achieve that last block using metaprogramming? I'm essentially trying to tack on Const
to the end of the name of the Struct and look that up in the code
...(this) works outside of a module, but in my module the constants aren't exported. After I import my module, f isn't able to look the constants up. MWE here:
module M
import InteractiveUtils: subtypes
export Foo, Bar, f
abstract type Super end
struct Foo <: Super end
struct Bar <: Super end
const FooConst = 1
const BarConst = 2
for T in subtypes(Super)
@eval f(::Type{$T}) = $(Symbol(T, "Const"))
end # module
and then in my REPL:
julia> using Main.M
julia> f(Foo)
ERROR: UndefVarError: Main.M.FooConst not defined
[1] f(::Type{Foo}) at ./none:11
[2] top-level scope at none:0
I am however able to access it directly:
julia> Main.M.FooConst