
Hi I am using Azure Logic App to List Blobs and then looping through list and delete blobs that are older than specified date. I have used Azure Portal Logic App Designer to built this. This is working fine. I would like to know that in below JSON where is metadata value coming from. But in Azure Blob Storage I haven't defined any metadata on container property. Can anyone advise where the metadata is coming from?? I have changed the metadata value and it gives errors.

 "List_blobs": {
              "runAfter": {},
              "metadata": {
                "JTJmbmlhbWhwcm9hY3RpdmVpbWFnnnhhhFZXM=": "/containerName"
              "type": "ApiConnection",
              "inputs": {
                "host": {
                  "connection": {
                    "name": "@parameters('$connections')['azureblob']['connectionId']"
                "method": "get",
                "path": "/datasets/default/foldersV2/@{encodeURIComponent(encodeURIComponent('JTJmbmlhbWhwcm9hY3RpdmVpbWFnnnhhhFZXM='))}",
                "queries": {
                  "nextPageMarker": "",
                  "useFlatListing": false

1 Answers


The metadata in the List_blobs is the folder name base64 string, you could check this doc:Converter functions. It's used to preserve your some information then use it in other place.

Like in the path property, it uses this metadata and convert it with encodeUriComponent expression because after decode the base64 string its / is %2f.

So like my folder path is /test the metadata is JTJmdGVzdA==, and the below is the decode string.

enter image description here