I have a basic post form that submits some data to an SMS gateway. One of the hidden fields "message" is the text of the message that i wish to be sent out. I need two submit buttons for two different sitations (case1 and case2) - each one transmits a different text in the "message" value. I cant do anything server side as the data is sent to a third party gateway. Any advice?
current code is:
I just need two submit buttons - one for case1 and one for case2.
<form action="https://gatway.com/send.php" method="post">
<input name="key" type="hidden" value="APIKEYxxxxx" />
<input name="message" type="hidden" value="message to send in case 1" />
<input name="message" type="hidden" value="message to send in case 2" />
To: <input name="to" type="text" />
<input name="username" type="hidden" value="username" />
<input name="from" type="hidden" value="+44xxxxxxxxxx" />
<input type="submit" value="Submit" /></form>