
I am just converting an existing Mvc application into .Net Core now here is the problem when creating perOwinContext


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because no extension method of this class IApplicationBuilder contains this method. Are there any alternatives to this in .Net Core?

I have also read this but can't figure out how to resolve this case?

You don't need this at all if you've set things up in ConfigureServices (e.g. using AddIdentity).Kirk Larkin
@Krik Larkin i am unable to figure out how to convert this into AddIdentityTAHA SULTAN TEMURI
The docs have a detailed explanation of setting this up in ASP.NET Core. It might be worth following through the tutorial in a sample project so you can see first-hand how things are different.Kirk Larkin

1 Answers


It's belong to Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.Owin package
Please install Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.Owin by Nuget Package Manager.