I am trying to query for the Monitor Condition of Fired across all my existing V2 alerts in my Azure subscription. I can use either the Az PS module, the Azure REST API, or the Azure CLI. Ideally, I'd like to just leverage Get-AzAlert and pass the Alert ID in the AlertId parameter. However, it seems to want the ID GUID. Every command I find for pulling down a list of alerts provides only the complete ARM ID, for example "/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupId}/providers/microsoft.insights/metricAlerts/{alertName}".
Similarly, in the Microsoft.AlertsManagement API, there is a command available to get the alert, https://management.azure.com/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/providers/Microsoft.AlertsManagement/alerts/{alertId}?api-version=2018-05-05, but it also requires the alertId in GUID form.
I could leverage a more generic call in either the PS module (Get-AzAlert leveraging the MonitorCondition parameter) or API (https://management.azure.com/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/providers/Microsoft.AlertsManagement/alerts?api-version=2018-05-05) that will provide me with all alerts with a Monitor Condition of Fired, however, the respective calls are limited in scope to returning events from only the last 30 days. I need to be able to find unresolved alerts that fired more than 30 days ago.
I need a way to get the list of alert GUIDs so that I can pass those into the calls to check on the alert monitor condition.