
I want to customize the data that get stored when creating a new user in WSO2 Identity server using rest API.

below is the sample json given in their official site


I want to add some custom fields like address, phone, etc

"emails":[{"primary":true,"value":"[email protected]","type":"home"}, 
{"value":"[email protected]","type":"work"}]


I tried by changing the above json. but it do not take additional parameters in. Please assist me to find a way


1 Answers


if you want to dd some custom fields like address, phone, please refer to Management Console

Home> Identity> Claims > List > urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:core:2.0:User

Here you will find all the attributes that you can add as claims using SCIM2 API in the user creation For your requirement you can use a request with a body as follows. If you want more claims other than them you can Extend the SCIM API[1] add any custom attributes, you can use the user schema extension in addition to core user schema.

"streetAddress":"100 Universal City Plaza",
"formatted":"100 Universal City Plaza\nHollywood, CA 90068 USA",
"streetAddress":"456 Hollywood Blvd",
"formatted":"456 Hollywood Blvd\nHollywood, CA 91608 USA"
"value":"[email protected]",
"value":"[email protected]",


