I am trying to connect to a VM Instance in Google Cloud Compute Engine, using the ssh button in the web browser. I was able to do it before, but today it opens a window and endlessly tries to connect, switching back and forth to a message:
The key transfer to project metadata is taking an unusually long time. Transferring instead to instance metadata may be faster, but will transfer the keys only to this VM. If you wish to SSH into other VMs from this VM, you will need to transfer the keys accordingly.
I look at the ssh troubleshooting guide, although it is not clear to me which steps refer to connexion from within the browser, or from a third-part ssh client. I can confirm that:
- It is not a full disk issue
- My firewall enables ssh:
gcloud compute firewall-rules list
returnsdefault-allow-ssh default INGRESS 65534 tcp:22 False
Network connexion somehow works:
nmap [IP]
returns a error Note: Host seems down. If it is really up, but blocking our ping probes, try -Pn but usingnmap -Pn [IP]
returns:Host is up (0.021s latency). Not shown: 998 filtered ports PORT STATE SERVICE 22/tcp open ssh 3389/tcp closed ms-wbt-server
I also tried the startup script, but didn't get much from it, due to an error: Could not download http://storage.googleapis.com/gce-scripts/gee.sh. HTTP Error 500: (which I filed as a github issue)
What else can I do to troubleshoot? I assume that not being able to connect through ssh from with in the browser indicates that the problem is on the VM, not on my local computer? Is this correct?