
I try using custom font in react native app , create assets/fonts/ folder in root of project and put fonts in there. create react-native.config.js and write ,

module.exports = {
  project: {
    ios: {},
    android: {},
  assets: ['./assets/fonts/'],

and try react-native link it is working in android but not working in ios

react-native: 0.60.5
npm: 6.11.0
node: 10.16.0
What exactly are you exporting inside project? Have you tried rebuilding the project?Rohit Kashyap

2 Answers


Android will use the font name but in IOS it will use the “PostScript name(Please check may be this is the issue)”.

Suppose you have a font "SFUIDisplayBold.otf" . You have link the font . It will work in Android but not in IOS . Because PostScript name of font is“SFUIDisplay-Bold.otf” so for IOS you have to use "SFUIDisplay-Bold.otf" despite the fact that we have added font with name "SFUIDisplayBold.otf". (See Details)

You can see the PostScript name of fonts in font book

enter image description here


Custom fonts are not bundled automatically for IOS. You need to link them for IOS manually.

A detailed instruction can be found at Custom Fonts in React Native for iOS & Android Builds

The last step was the key for me to make this work. Make sure you use the PostScript name of the font when adding fontFamily to your style.