I want to display a hurricane (big isosurface object) in Cesium. For this I converted an OBJ file with longitude, latitude, altitude columns for each vertex of the isosurface representing the hurricane, in a new OBJ file reprojected in ECEF (Earth Centered) projection.
So the final OBJ file contains now X,Y,Z for each vertex instead of longitude, latitude, altitude. After final reformat by obj2gltf, I try to display the GLTF "hurricane" file in Cesium.JS using the code below:
console.log('loading hurricane.gltf';
var mymodel = viewer.scene.primitives.add(Cesium.Model.fromGltf({
url : 'data/hurricane.gltf',
modelMatrix : Cesium.Matrix4.IDENTITY,
asynchronous: false
I can see my hurricane on the earth, but not at the good position. I suspect a problem of matrix. IDENTITY matrix seems not to be the good one. I could try to make a new matrix but I can't find enough informations about the axes orientation used by Cesium.
I verified the X,Y,Z ECEF coordinates, they are good. Does anyone already meet this problem ?