I have a sheet created for live attendance in a class with two tabs (Sheet1 & Sheet2), In sheet1, I have two columns date and time. In sheet2, I have a column of numbers (Column C) and a row of date and two rows of times (open and close time).
What I need is to write a formula that query sheet1 and select column D if :
- the date is first column, is equal to the date in sheet2(row1)
- the time in sheet1(column 2) is greater than opentime in sheet2(row2)
- the time is sheet1(column2) is lower than closetime in sheet2(row3) and finally;
- the number in Sheet1 (columnD) is equal to the number in sheet2(column C)
This is what I tried:
"select D
where A = datevalue '"&TEXT(D$1, "MM-dd-yyyy")&"'
and B >= timevalue '"&TEXT(D$2, "HH:mm:ss")&"'
and B <= timevalue '"&TEXT(D$2, "HH:mm:ss")&"'
and C = "&$C5, 0)=$C5,"✅", "❌"),"❌")
I'm not sure what is wrong. It's not working. Here is a shared google sheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1zPZQgFlbz19ULu19I8-z-8m9E1vdfYMKRaFW9IycCtg/edit?usp=sharing