I have a spring application where we are publishing and listening messages from Rabbitmq using spring-amqp. I want to modify my Rabbitmq message if my listener throws an exception. When the listener throws an exception, it will be retied using a recoverer and retry handler. I am modifying the message in a catch block which is present in the listener class. Once the message is modified, I am throwing an exception, so that the message will be retried again after some fixed duration of time.
Here is the code which I am using to modifying a message.
public void onMessage(Message message, Channel channel) throws Exception
if(message.getMessageProperties().getHeaders().get("x-retried-header") != null)//self defined header
throw new MyException();
//some logic
catch(MyException e)
MyClass myObject = new MyClass();
myObject.setMessage("Hello Message Is Being Retried");
MessageProperties properties = message.getMessageProperties();
properties.setHeader("x-retried-header", 1);
message = MessageBuilder.withBody(myObject.toByteArray()).andProperties(properties).build();
throw new Exception();
When my recoverer received RabbitMq message, the body of the message is not changed whereas, the headers which I have added to the modified message are getting reflecting properly. I can also handle or modify my message in a rabbit handler, but I don't want to change anything in recoverer and retry handler, as those were used by other listeners too. Can someone please assist me with this problem. Why I am receiving the original message body instead of a modified message body? Is Spring-amqp is using any cloned object here?
Is there any other approach to modified my RabbitMq message body using spring-amqp when a listener throws an exception?