
Whenever switching to Windows Containers in Docker for windows, Kubernetes option is missing after restart.

enter image description here

I'm running windows 10 Enterprise.

Is is possible to create windows container (for .net framework app) and deploy kubernetes? Or are only linux containers supported on kubernetes (meaning only .net Standard/Core would work)?

I'm using MiniKube for that under Windows some details here0909EM
but minikube ONLY supports linux containers..therefore your apps are only CoreShaneKm
Yes, sorry, my apps are .net core.0909EM
Does the problem still exist ?Malgorzata

1 Answers


You can run Windows nodes and containers on Kubernetes but the Kubernetes master (control plane) has to be Linux.


Similarly, you need to be running Windows Server 2019 for Kubernetes GA on Windows - Windows 10/Server 2016 is possible but it is considered beta