I am fairly new to React and trying to implement Single Sign On Authentication in my React App.
- Provide a login page where the user can enter their email address
- On click of Sign-in user get the SSO popup (based Azure AD) to accept the terms and sign-in
- Call graph API to retrieve user details (email ID, etc.)
- Retrieve the sign in token and store in browser cache (localStorage) and use it for subsequent URL accesses (React routes).
I have come across MSAL (https://github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-js) which seems to be useful for this.
What I have tried:
Based on the MSDN docs: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/develop/tutorial-v2-javascript-spa, I have registered my React SPA app in the Azure and got the client ID.
I have created a single js file (
) to handle sign-in, token generation and graph API call as mentioned in the docs: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/develop/tutorial-v2-javascript-spa#use-the-microsoft-authentication-library-msal-to-sign-in-the-user- In my
I have configured the routes:
ReactDOM.render(<MuiThemeProvider theme={theme}>
<Route path="/" exact component={Projects}/>
<Route path="/projects" exact component={Projects}/>
<Route path="/admin" exact component={Admin}/>
<Route path="/projectstages/:projectNumber" exact component={ProjectStages}/>
<Route path="/formspage" exact component={FormsPage}/>
<Route path="/users" exact component={UserManagement}/>
</MuiThemeProvider>, document.getElementById('root'));
- These routes (components) gets rendered within the main
class App extends Component {
<div className="App">
How do I integrate this within my React app so that only authenticated users can access the React routes along with the objectives I mentioned above? Please let me know if I can provide more details or explain more about this.