I have a query that takes very long time when queries from an SSRS Report (25 Minutes)
When i try to execute it from SSMS i get the following error after 1 minute :
Executing the query ...
Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown.
SELECT NON EMPTY { [Measures].[Invoice Qty MT - VW Fact Total Sales], [Measures].[Invoice Value EGPUSD - VW Fact Total Sales] } ON COLUMNS, NON EMPTY { ([Dim Invoice Date].[Year].[Year].ALLMEMBERS * [Dim Company].[Data Area ID].[Data Area ID].ALLMEMBERS * [Dim Customer].[Customer Type].[Customer Type].ALLMEMBERS * [Dim Invoice Date].[Month Str].[Month Str].ALLMEMBERS * [Dim Invoice Date].[Month Eng].[Month Eng].ALLMEMBERS * [Dim Customer].[Customer Classification].[Customer Classification].ALLMEMBERS * [Dim Item].[Item Number].[Item Number].ALLMEMBERS * [Dim Item].[Item Name].[Item Name].ALLMEMBERS * [Dim Customer].[Customer Num].[Customer Num].ALLMEMBERS * [Dim Customer].[Customer Name].[Customer Name].ALLMEMBERS * [Dim Item].[Factory Packing Group EN].[Factory Packing Group EN].ALLMEMBERS * [Dim Item].[Factory Packaging Group ID].[Factory Packaging Group ID].ALLMEMBERS ) } DIMENSION PROPERTIES MEMBER_CAPTION, MEMBER_UNIQUE_NAME ON ROWS FROM ( SELECT ( { [Dim Packing Group].[Packing Group ID].&[1], [Dim Packing Group].[Packing Group ID].&[2], [Dim Packing Group].[Packing Group ID].&[3], [Dim Packing Group].[Packing Group ID].&[4], [Dim Packing Group].[Packing Group ID].&[5], [Dim Packing Group].[Packing Group ID].&[6], [Dim Packing Group].[Packing Group ID].&[7] } ) ON COLUMNS FROM [BI_Cube]) WHERE ( [Dim Packing Group].[Packing Group ID].CurrentMember ) CELL PROPERTIES VALUE, BACK_COLOR, FORE_COLOR, FORMATTED_VALUE, FORMAT_STRING, FONT_NAME, FONT_SIZE, FONT_FLAGS