I'm trying to import a couple of dynamodb tables to terraform. I'm stuck on how to dynamically handle global secondary indexes between environments. I have a module and two state files for each environment.
How can i dynamically enter these variables using count , that change between environments,
For example in the below example there are 4 indexes but for a particular index in prod account the read capacity and write capacity changes, whereas all other variables remain constant.
ie last-index has different read and write capacity values for both prod and nonprod
How can it be implemented in terraform?
locals {
name = ["xxx-index","xxx-index","xxx-index","xxx-index","last-index"]
write_capacity = [ 5,5,5,5,5]
read_capacity = [ 5,5,5,5,5]
range_key = ["xxx","xxx","xxx","xxx","xxx"]
global_secondary_index {
count = "${length(local.name)}"
name = "${element(local.name, count.index)}"
write_capacity = "${element(local.write_capacity, count.index)"
read_capacity = "${element(local.read_capacity, count.index)"
hash_key = "userId"
range_key = "${element(local.range_key,count.index)}"
projection_type = "ALL"
Terraform -version Terraform v0.11.13 + provider.aws v2.25.0