I need to your help to change the dimension attribute data type in Excel sheet when connecting cube via excel and I have defined a column as "FLOAT" in Data warehouse and "DOUBLE" in Cube,but that attribute is always displaying as string in Excel sheet when I connect the cube via Excel sheet.
and I didn't define the name column property as well because name column will always support string datatype.
Please find the below example from Adventure works cube to understand my scenario.
I have taken "Weight" attribute from Product dimension and the key column and Value column of this attribute has "Double" datatype and Name column has "Wchar" datatype in the adventure works.
Because of Name column property , Weight attribute is showing as string in Excel sheet.
So I have removed the Name column definition to "Weight" attribute and I kept the Value column and Key column property as "Double" , but still in excel "Weight" attribute is displaying as "String".
Can anyone please help to make this dimension attribute as "double" in excel sheet as well?
Please find the below screenshots for reference.
Thank you in advance for you help. Bhavani R