
I'm very interested in all these location-aware based devices (all the new phones and other GPS devices) and am wondering how I can "track" a particular GPS device? For example, say I put this device in my car, is there a way I can harness those coordinates and send them to a server for later viewing? I can create a UI and map the coordinates accordingly, but not sure how to get the coordinates out of a particular device?

Let's say I have an iPhone/Android/WP7 phone, is there a way I can get those coordinates sent via a web service or so?

Any and all advice will be greatly appreciated!

UPDATE: I don't plan on having a UI on the device. I just need to "push"/get the coordinates to some server. With the data stored somewhere, I can then just create a web service and harness them in a browser application. Hope this helps.

Are you looking to have an app that harvests the locations and pushes them to the server or something in the background without user interaction?djg
Is this for your own personal use or for an app you want to distribute? if the former, have you looked at Google My Tracks on Android?Stealth Rabbi
Thanks djg for you quick reply. I have updated my post. I don't need a UI on the device, just in the background will suffice.user118190
Thanks Stealth Rabbi for your quick reply. I have updated my post with more details. For starters, it just for personal use (to prototype), but ultimately, I would like to distribute it (to enterprises and not for consumer use).user118190

1 Answers


I have a windows app that does this (desktop not phone). A timer fires every x seconds, grabs the location from the GPS and calls a web service that stores the info in a back-end database.

The process should be similar on a phone app. The only problem with windows phone is that it does not currently multi-task so you will not be able to have a hidden process running.

Android should be ok with a background task.

Not sure about iPhone.