I am working on a paper in Rmarkdown and I am using bookdown::html_document2
to knit the output. Cross-referencing figures and tables works with the common Bookdown syntax e.g. \@ref(tab:example_table)
. Cross-referencing chapter sections/titles does not, however: \@ref(introduction)
doesn't work. I'll end up with ??
which is strange since the link points to the correct tag: /example_path/example_filename.html#introduction
. I'm working in a single document.
I checked the source code and the tag id's for the chapter titles are correct as well. It does work when I reference the chapter section/title with Pandoc's native syntax: [introduction]
works. This will, however, print the tag for the introduction section/title and not the title itself so 'introduction' instead of 'Introduction' with a capital 'I'. An obvious work around is to use [Introduction][introduction]
but this defeats the purpose of cross-referencing in my case. I also tried to give my chapter sections/titles custom tags but that wouldn't work either. It also doesn't work with bookdown::pdf_document2
According to this section from "Authoring Books with R Markdown" the syntax I'm using should work so what am I missing here?
I am using Pandoc version 2.7.3
Removed session info since it was not relevant to the problem.
@RalfStubner requested a mre (which I should have provided in the first place - thanks Ralf for the advice!):
title: "Document Title"
author: "Jono3030"
date: "Last updated: `r Sys.time()`"
number_sections: no
keep_tex: no
number_sections: no
bookdown::word_document2: default
# Introduction
This is the introduction
# Chapter_one
This is chapter one.
# Chapter_two
This is chapter two. Trying to reference the Introduction.
This does not work: \@ref(introduction)
This works: [Introduction][introduction]
This does not result in the title but in the tag: [introduction]
This is the error message I receive:
Output created: mre.html
Warning message:
The label(s) introduction not found
But the tag seems to be correctly assigned according to the html:
<div id="introduction" class="section level1">
<p>This is the introduction</p>
Here is the href:
<p>This does not work: <a href="#introduction"><strong>??</strong></a></p>
<p>This works: <a href="#introduction">Introduction</a></p>
<p>This does not result in the title but in the tag: <a href="#introduction">introduction</a></p>
In the process of creating the mre I also noticed that \@ref(introduction)
behaves differently if numbering of the sections isn't disabled. In that case \@ref(introduction)
returns the number of the section ie '1'.
title: "Document Title"
author: "Jono3030"
date: "Last updated: `r Sys.time()`"
bookdown::html_document2: default
keep_tex: no
number_sections: no
bookdown::word_document2: default
# Introduction
This is the introduction
# Chapter_one
This is chapter one.
# Chapter_two
This is chapter two. Trying to reference the Introduction.
This does work - returns number: \@ref(introduction)
This works: [Introduction][introduction]
This does not result in the title but in the tag: [introduction]
? – Marius\@ref(#introduction)
before which in my case renders the output literally as "@ref(#introduction)" in the html and pdf documents. – jono3030render_book
or something else? – Mariusautocmd Filetype rmd map <F5> :w<CR> :!echo<space>"require(rmarkdown);<space>render('<c-r>%')"<space>\|<space>R<space>--vanilla<enter>
. However, as per your comment I tried to render the document directly withrender_book("filename.Rmd", "bookdown::html_document2")
and I'm still getting the same result i.e.??
– jono3030