I Would like to to calculate this week sales using DAX(Current week sales) (Latest week) Starting from Monday to the latest day of the current week/latest week.
I have attached pbix file https://app.box.com/s/ah11tcvbq45rlc5pujunxkfloyd4x7cu
I Would like to to calculate this week sales using DAX(Current week sales) (Latest week) Starting from Monday to the latest day of the current week/latest week.
I have attached pbix file https://app.box.com/s/ah11tcvbq45rlc5pujunxkfloyd4x7cu
A simple WTD measure would look something like this:
Sales WTD =
filter(all('Date'), 'Date'[Date] <= max('Date'[Date])
&& 'Date'[WeekNum] = max('Date'[WeekNum])))
You can read all about the calculate function online, watch videos, and there's a whole chapter devoted to it in The Definitive Guide to Dax.