I have a log4j2 json configuration file and it appears that I am unable to place multiple "File" Appenders in the Appender section. What I want to do is log two two files with my log statements: One file is for info level and higher while the other file is debug-level.
"Console": {
"name": "ConsoleAppender",
"target": "SYSTEM_OUT",
"PatternLayout": {
"pattern": "%d [%t] %-5p %c - %m%n"
"File": {
"PatternLayout": {
"pattern":"%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss} %-5p %c{1}:%L - %m%n"
"File": {
"name": "FileAppenderDebug",
"fileName": "/logs/debug-logs.log",
"PatternLayout": {
"pattern":"%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss} %-5p %c{1}:%L - %m%n"
"DefaultRolloverStrategy": {
"max": "10"
"loggers": {
"logger": {
"name": "com.nf.eb2b.logging.DPLogger",
"level": "debug",
"appender-ref": [{"ref": "ConsoleAppender", "level":"info"},{"ref": "FileAppenderInfo", "level":"info"}, {"ref": "FileAppenderDebug", "level":"debug"}]
"root": {
"AppenderRef": [{"ref": "ConsoleAppender"}]
What I would expect are two files in the logs directory. One for info level logs and the other for debug level logs. I want stdout to log info level logs to the console.
Instead I see that the editor does not accept two File appenders defined in the json and complains that there is a duplicate key. The other issue is that only one of the file appenders is recognized (The first one..)
How can I configure a single logger to write info-level logs to the console and to a file as well as a second file storing debug level messages.