I have a chart that shows the salaries for various medical specialties by percentile (each row is a specialty and each column is a percentile).
I want to be able to take a separate chart of physicians and their salaries, and automatically fill in what percentile each of their pay is.
If the physicians were all in one specialty, then I could just use Index-Match like so:
=INDEX('[Percentiles Chart]'!$B$3:$F$4, 1, MATCH(K3,'[Percentile File]'!$B$4:$F$4,1))
This formula works because it's choosing the column based on just the salaries in that one row, and always returning the top row. If I wanted it to choose between different rows, how could I do that without writing an "If" formula for every single row? In other words, I want excel to look down column A in the example picture to pick the right specialty, then compare the salaries across the row and return what's in row 2.
Thank you!