
I want to spin up jenkins server using latest jenkins.1.3.6 version helm chart. However, when applying the chart I am receiving the error calling include: template: no template "override_config_map" associated with template "gotpl"

Error: render error in "my-chart/charts/jenkins/templates/jenkins-master-deployment.yaml": template:my-chart/charts/jenkins/templates/jenkins-master-deployment.yaml:42:28: executing "my-chart/charts/jenkins/templates/jenkins-master-deployment.yaml" at : error calling include: template: my-chart/charts/jenkins/templates/config.yaml:335:3: executing "my-chart/charts/jenkins/templates/config.yaml" at : error calling include: template: no template "override_config_map" associated with template "gotpl"

could you please add more details on the flags that you are using to deploy.Tummala Dhanvi
In my Values.yaml file I have set customConfigMap: true and inside the charts/jenkins/templates/config.yaml there is Code snippet which include the override_config_map code {{ else }} {{ include "override_config_map" . }} {{- end -}} {{- if .Values.master.additionalConfig }} . However when I execute helm lint then I get above error.preethi
github.com/helm/charts/tree/master/stable/… custom config map will be deprecated in the future. FYITummala Dhanvi
You have to copy config.yaml to templates/config.tpl as mentioned there.Tummala Dhanvi

1 Answers


As fdlk mentioned in the comment to the CustomConfigMap option yields error with override_config_map missing #4040 :

It helped me to run helm lint my-chart to figure out how many brackets I needed. My config.tpl now looks like this:

{{- define "override_config_map" }}
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  plugins.txt: |-
{{- if .Values.Master.InstallPlugins }}
{{- range $index, $val := .Values.Master.InstallPlugins }}
{{ $val | indent 4 }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}

Using 0.16.4