When I read the doc for both slot and site,
- Website: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/templates/microsoft.web/2018-02-01/sites
- Deployment slot: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/templates/microsoft.web/2018-11-01/sites/slots
I can see that I can apply application settings by adding to properties.siteconfig.appsettings to either the website or a slot. This I how I do it today for the website, but I am wondering if, even though the deployment slot has the same structure, if I can add settings to my slot by doing the same? I don't care about sticky settings. The reason why I am asking is that when I export from the portal I can't see how they do it and everywhere I look on the Internet people is using the Microsoft.Web/sites/config type or Microsoft.Web/sites/slots/config type. Can't i just use properties.siteconfig.appsettings as in the doc for the deploy slot, or am I missing something fundamental?
I am not in a position where I can go to a computer and test it, but my mind is going nuts to find out.