
I have an executable file written in C++/MacOS takes a clips command and run it using clips.h functions. The executable works perfect on my Mac but once I try to run the same clips command I'm facing an error.

I've searched for any thing could help but I couldn't find a really helpful things.

The commands are simple and the functions should be builtin clips already.

here is the file I'm loading.

(defrule QPain
   (printout t "Are You In Pain? ") 
   (bind ?answer (read))
   (if (eq ?answer y)
      (bind ?*symcount* (+ ?*symcount* 1))))

and here is my c++ code,

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#include "clips.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus

#include <string>
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main() {
    Environment* env = NULL;
    env = CreateEnvironment();
    SetConserveMemory(env, true);
    ReleaseMem(env, 0);
    Load(env, "/path/to/clp/file/above");
    Run(env, -1);
return 0;

For the above code I'm facing theses two errors:

  • [EXPRNPSR3] Missing function declaration for 'printout'.

What I'm missing ? is there any libs I need to install on Linux for running such commands even I'm using clips.h functions ??

Readers won't be able to reconstruct your problem at home based on this description. You need to include the smallest set of code that people can copy/paste into their local computer and test against. Something like a "Hello World" program, but just the basics stuff for clip. Hard to believe open() is not found. Good luck.shellter
@shellter I've updated the question with code, would you please check it ?Mazen Ak
I don't have any experience with MacOS stuff, so I was only offering the obvious help to get others to help you.I would also look at any that printout is using. I just did some research and it seems there are special libs etc. Did you see this entry stackoverflow.com/a/44432497/620097 ? It looks promising to me. In general, getting software designed for one system architecture to run on a different sys arch can be anywhere from daunting to near impossible, so more research about cross-platform code will help you decide if this is worth the time. ,,,,shellter
I would recommend adding a tag for the compiler you are using. Good luck.shellter

1 Answers


I'm posting this for anyone who could struggle the same in future or could provide any help.

I was compiling clips with gcc compiler with the following flags:

-O3 -g -pipe -pedantic -std=gnu99 -fno-strict-aliasing -DIO_FUNCTIONS=0 -c

after going deeply through the Advance programming guide and each flag functionality I found a flag called BASIC_IO used to turn on/off the input/output functions (printout, open , .. , etc), so according to the guide I've changed the flag DIO_FUNCTIONS = 1 and recompiled clips files so the problem was solved.

Note: the difference in flags names could be related to version of clips and compiler version.

thanks for every one who helped with this issue.