Thanks to @John Rotenstein I was able to make a quick prototype using the was console:
Assuming that we have all the permissions and AWS console installed on the system and a S3 bucket called 'TestBucket' where all the images are stored, I did the following:
1.- Created a "Main Collection"
> aws rekognition create-collection --collection-id "MainCollection"
2.- Added one of the people I want to detect, I extracted the face from an individual face and ran IndexFace
> aws rekognition index-faces --image '{"S3Object":{"Bucket":"TestBucket","Name":"cristian.jpg"}}' --collection-id "MainCollection" --max-faces 100 --quality-filter "AUTO" --detection-attributes "ALL" --external-image-id "cristian.jpg"
The resulting FaceID is 'a54ef57e-7003-4721-b7e1-703d9f039da9'
3.- I added the second image to the collection:
> aws rekognition index-faces --image '{"S3Object":{"Bucket":"TestBucket","Name":"ImageContaining40plusfaces.jpg"}}' --collection-id "MainCollection" --max-faces 100 --quality-filter "AUTO" --detection-attributes "ALL" --external-image-id "ImageContaining40plusfaces.jpg"
resulted in 40+ entries like this one, showing only one for brevity:
"FaceRecords": [
"FaceDetail": {
"Confidence": 99.99859619140625,
"Eyeglasses": {
"Confidence": 54.99907684326172,
"Value": false
"Sunglasses": {
"Confidence": 54.99971389770508,
"Value": false
"Gender": {
"Confidence": 54.747318267822266,
"Value": "Male"
"Landmarks": [
"Y": 0.311367392539978,
"X": 0.1916557103395462,
"Type": "eyeLeft"
"Y": 0.3120582699775696,
"X": 0.20143891870975494,
"Type": "eyeRight"
"Y": 0.3355730175971985,
"X": 0.19253292679786682,
"Type": "mouthLeft"
"Y": 0.3361922800540924,
"X": 0.2005564421415329,
"Type": "mouthRight"
"Y": 0.32276451587677,
"X": 0.19691102206707,
"Type": "nose"
"Y": 0.30642834305763245,
"X": 0.1876278519630432,
"Type": "leftEyeBrowLeft"
"Y": 0.3037400245666504,
"X": 0.19379760324954987,
"Type": "leftEyeBrowRight"
"Y": 0.3029193580150604,
"X": 0.19078010320663452,
"Type": "leftEyeBrowUp"
"Y": 0.3041592836380005,
"X": 0.1995924860239029,
"Type": "rightEyeBrowLeft"
"Y": 0.3074571192264557,
"X": 0.20519918203353882,
"Type": "rightEyeBrowRight"
"Y": 0.30346789956092834,
"X": 0.2024637758731842,
"Type": "rightEyeBrowUp"
"Y": 0.3115418553352356,
"X": 0.1898096352815628,
"Type": "leftEyeLeft"
"Y": 0.3118479251861572,
"X": 0.1935078650712967,
"Type": "leftEyeRight"
"Y": 0.31028062105178833,
"X": 0.19159308075904846,
"Type": "leftEyeUp"
"Y": 0.31250447034835815,
"X": 0.19164365530014038,
"Type": "leftEyeDown"
"Y": 0.31221893429756165,
"X": 0.19937492907047272,
"Type": "rightEyeLeft"
"Y": 0.3123391270637512,
"X": 0.20295380055904388,
"Type": "rightEyeRight"
"Y": 0.31087613105773926,
"X": 0.2013435810804367,
"Type": "rightEyeUp"
"Y": 0.31308478116989136,
"X": 0.20125225186347961,
"Type": "rightEyeDown"
"Y": 0.3264555335044861,
"X": 0.19483911991119385,
"Type": "noseLeft"
"Y": 0.3265785574913025,
"X": 0.19839303195476532,
"Type": "noseRight"
"Y": 0.3319154679775238,
"X": 0.196599081158638,
"Type": "mouthUp"
"Y": 0.3392537832260132,
"X": 0.19649912416934967,
"Type": "mouthDown"
"Y": 0.311367392539978,
"X": 0.1916557103395462,
"Type": "leftPupil"
"Y": 0.3120582699775696,
"X": 0.20143891870975494,
"Type": "rightPupil"
"Y": 0.31476160883903503,
"X": 0.18458032608032227,
"Type": "upperJawlineLeft"
"Y": 0.3398161828517914,
"X": 0.18679481744766235,
"Type": "midJawlineLeft"
"Y": 0.35216856002807617,
"X": 0.19623762369155884,
"Type": "chinBottom"
"Y": 0.34082692861557007,
"X": 0.2045571506023407,
"Type": "midJawlineRight"
"Y": 0.3160339295864105,
"X": 0.20668834447860718,
"Type": "upperJawlineRight"
"Pose": {
"Yaw": 4.778820514678955,
"Roll": 1.7387386560440063,
"Pitch": 11.82911205291748
"Emotions": [
"Confidence": 47.9405403137207,
"Type": "CALM"
"Confidence": 45.432857513427734,
"Type": "ANGRY"
"Confidence": 45.953487396240234,
"Type": "HAPPY"
"Confidence": 45.215728759765625,
"Confidence": 50.013206481933594,
"Type": "SAD"
"Confidence": 45.30225372314453,
"Type": "CONFUSED"
"Confidence": 45.14192199707031,
"AgeRange": {
"High": 43,
"Low": 26
"EyesOpen": {
"Confidence": 54.95812225341797,
"Value": true
"BoundingBox": {
"Width": 0.02271346002817154,
"Top": 0.28692546486854553,
"Left": 0.1841897815465927,
"Height": 0.06893482059240341
"Smile": {
"Confidence": 53.493797302246094,
"Value": false
"MouthOpen": {
"Confidence": 53.51670837402344,
"Value": false
"Quality": {
"Sharpness": 53.330047607421875,
"Brightness": 81.31917572021484
"Mustache": {
"Confidence": 54.971839904785156,
"Value": false
"Beard": {
"Confidence": 54.136474609375,
"Value": false
"Face": {
"BoundingBox": {
"Width": 0.02271346002817154,
"Top": 0.28692546486854553,
"Left": 0.1841897815465927,
"Height": 0.06893482059240341
"FaceId": "570eb8a6-72b8-4381-a1a2-9112aa2b348e",
"ExternalImageId": "ImageContaining40plusfaces.jpg",
"Confidence": 99.99859619140625,
"ImageId": "7f09400e-2de8-3d11-af05-223f13f9ef76"
3.- Then I issued a SearchFacesById
using the FaceId detected previously:
> aws rekognition search-faces --face-id "a54ef57e-7003-4721-b7e1-703d9f039da9" --collection-id "MainCollection"
and Voila! I got the face detected on the second source image as needed...
"SearchedFaceId": "a54ef57e-7003-4721-b7e1-703d9f039da9",
"FaceModelVersion": "4.0",
"FaceMatches": [
"Face": {
"BoundingBox": {
"Width": 0.022825799882411957,
"Top": 0.31017398834228516,
"Left": 0.4018920063972473,
"Height": 0.06067270040512085
"FaceId": "bfd58e70-2bcf-403a-87da-6137c28ccbdd",
"ExternalImageId": "ImageContaining40plusfaces.jpg",
"Confidence": 100.0,
"ImageId": "7f09400e-2de8-3d11-af05-223f13f9ef76"
"Similarity": 92.36637115478516
So now I have to do the same thing for all the other face images detected in the source image nº1 and then compare them to the ones detected from the source image nº2 using the same set of commands!