I have to make a table in which the mean and median from the logsales per month are set out from the "txhousing" dataset. The exercise i got is the following: “The table below show the means and medians of the log of sales per month, sorted by mean”
- Insert a new r chunk and type the code in it to display that table
- Use na.omit to get rid of cases with missing values
- Use the dplyr command mutate to make the variable logsales
- Use the dplyr command group_by to group by month
- Use the dplyr command summarise to display the table
- Use the dplyr command arrange to sorth by mean
- Connect the commands with the pipe operator %>%
I've tried to mix up the code multiple times but I can't find out why it keeps on giving me NA's in my table.
txhousing<- as.data.frame(txhousing)
logsales <- log(txhousing$sales)
group_by(txhousing, txhousing$month)
txhousing<- txhousing %>% mutate(logsales= log(txhousing$sales))
txhousing %>% group_by(txhousing$month) %>% summarise(mean(logsales), median(logsales)) %>% arrange(mean)
I expect to get a table with the mean and median of the logsales per month, but what i get is only NA in the column from the mean en the median and the arrange gives the following error:
Error: cannot arrange column of class 'function' at position 1`