I am struggling to find good material on best practices for filtering data using firebase firestore. I want to filter my data based on the categories selected by the user. I have a collection of documents stored on my firestore database and each document have an array which has all the appropriate categories for that single document. For the sake of filtering, I'm keeping a local array with a user's preferred categories as well. All I want to do is to filter the data based on the user's preferred categories.
consider I have the user's preferred categories stored as an array of strings ( ["Film", "Music"] ) .I was planning on using firestore's 'array-contains' method like
.where('categoriesArray', 'array-contains', ["Film", "Music"])
Later I found out that I can't use 'array-contains' against an array itself and after investigating on this issue, I decided to change my data structure as mentioned here.
Once I changed the categories from an array to map, I thought I could use multiple where conditions to filter the documents
let query = db.collection(collectionName)
.where(somefield, '==', true)
this.props.data.filterCategories.forEach((val) => {
query = query.where(`categories.${val}`, '==', true);
query = query
.orderBy(someOtherField, "desc")
const snapshot = await query.get()
Now problem number 2, firebase requires to add indexes for compound queries. The categories I have saved within each document is dynamic and there's no way I can add these indexes in advance. What would be the ideal solution in such cases? Any help would be deeply appreciated.