I wrote some vivado RTL and then added some vhdl attributes to the ports of the entity to define the interface to Xilinx Vivado tool as follows:
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity vivado_rtl_island is
-- Clocks
i_m50_clk :in std_logic;
i_m50_rst :in std_logic;
-- APB Command Inteface
s_paddr :in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
s_psel :in std_logic;
s_penable :in std_logic;
s_pwrite :in std_logic;
s_pwdata :in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
s_pready :out std_logic;
s_prdata :out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
s_pread :out std_logic;
s_pslverr :out std_logic
end entity;
architecture rtl of vivado_rtl_island is
-- Define APB Interface for "Vivado IP Integrator"
ATTRIBUTE X_INTERFACE_INFO of s_paddr: SIGNAL is "xilinx.com:interface:apb:1.0 APB_S PADDR";
ATTRIBUTE X_INTERFACE_INFO of s_psel: SIGNAL is "xilinx.com:interface:apb:1.0 APB_S PSEL";
ATTRIBUTE X_INTERFACE_INFO of s_penable: SIGNAL is "xilinx.com:interface:apb:1.0 APB_S PENABLE";
ATTRIBUTE X_INTERFACE_INFO of s_pwrite: SIGNAL is "xilinx.com:interface:apb:1.0 APB_S PWRITE";
ATTRIBUTE X_INTERFACE_INFO of s_pwdata: SIGNAL is "xilinx.com:interface:apb:1.0 APB_S PWDATA";
ATTRIBUTE X_INTERFACE_INFO of s_pready: SIGNAL is "xilinx.com:interface:apb:1.0 APB_S PREADY";
ATTRIBUTE X_INTERFACE_INFO of s_prdata: SIGNAL is "xilinx.com:interface:apb:1.0 APB_S PRDATA";
ATTRIBUTE X_INTERFACE_INFO of s_pslverr: SIGNAL is "xilinx.com:interface:apb:1.0 APB_S PSLVERR";
end architecture;
There I try to compile the above rtl using GHDL as follows:
$ ghdl -a --std=08 --ieee=synopsys --work=work vivado_rtl_island.vhd
GHDL produces the following error:
vivado_rtl_island.vhd:28:33: no "s_paddr" for attribute specification
vivado_rtl_island.vhd:29:33: no "s_psel" for attribute specification
vivado_rtl_island.vhd:30:33: no "s_penable" for attribute specification
vivado_rtl_island.vhd:31:33: no "s_pwrite" for attribute specification
vivado_rtl_island.vhd:32:33: no "s_pwdata" for attribute specification
vivado_rtl_island.vhd:33:33: no "s_pready" for attribute specification
vivado_rtl_island.vhd:34:33: no "s_prdata" for attribute specification
vivado_rtl_island.vhd:35:33: no "s_pslverr" for attribute specification
However, when I compile this with modelsim, it doesn't produce an error.
Does anybody know how to work around this problem in GHDL so that I can add these attributes and the simulator will ignore them and not produce and error?