
SSRS: I have two tablix. One dataset.
Tablix 1 = Summary
Tablix 2 = Details
I would like to set a parameter for the user to choose. I do not have a field in the data to use as a parameter to differentiate. I have to use the tablix itself. By name in report code or by visibility in the tablix?

I've tried everything I could find on Stack overflow. But I have used a method in the past with a code in the report properties. But I can't find the code.

I would like the user to choose summary or details or both. Then see the corresponding tablix

Have you looked at this post? stackoverflow.com/questions/22620662/…Chris Albert
I tried this first. It was one of the initial posts I found. I kept getting an error message. It was something like "hidden expression conversion type object...Corene
@Chris thanks for being the first to reply to my very first question.Corene
@Corene It sounds like an issue with your Hidden expression. Please edit your question to include the expression you are using to hide the table and the full error message.Chris Latta

1 Answers


I tried to replicate your scenario on my local report project. I create a mutlivalue parameter. Multivalue parameter

Then I have available values as below

enter image description here

Then I added below expression on visibilty of Summary Tablix.


Below expression for Details Tablix


enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here