I trained a model using rpart and I want to generate a plot displaying the Variable Importance for the variables it used for the decision tree, but I cannot figure out how.
I was able to extract the Variable Importance. I've tried ggplot but none of the information shows up. I tried using the plot() function on it, but it only gives me a flat graph. I also tried plot.default, which is a little better but still now what I want.
Here's rpart model training:
argIDCART = rpart(Argument ~ .,
data = trainSparse,
method = "class")
Got the variable importance into a data frame.
argPlot <- as.data.frame(argIDCART$variable.importance)
Here is a section of what that prints:
noth 23.339346
humanitarian 16.584430
council 13.140252
law 11.347241
presid 11.231916
treati 9.945111
support 8.670958
I'd like to plot a graph that shows the variable/feature name and its numerical importance. I just can't get it to do that. It appears to only have one column. I tried separating them using the separate function, but can't do that either.
ggplot(argPlot, aes(x = "variable importance", y = "feature"))
Just prints blank.
The other plots look really bad.
Looks like it plots the points, but doesn't put the variable name.