
I have data like below:

select * FROM [SaleOfVeheicle]

            ID  Year        Month               Bike    Car      Bus
            1   2015        Jan                      12      11        1
            2   2015        Feb                      11      3         5
            3   2015        Mar                      12      12        12
            4   2016        jan                      12      23        4
            5   2016        feb                      5       23        1
            6   2016        Mar                      4       34        7

The idea is to show the Sale of Bike or Car or Bus as a Matrix report in SSRS 2017 and show the total percentage on top of the Stacked barchart.

Note: The targeted sale is 150.

I'm getting the Matrix report like this after writing below script:

            SELECT   [Year], 
               FROM     [SaleOfVeheicle] 
           SELECT   'Total' as [Year], 
               SUM(Bike) AS Bike 
                FROM     [SaleOfVeheicle] 
             GROUP BY [Month]

From SSRS:

enter image description here

enter image description here Preview

In My “Series label Properties” , “Label Data” expression is as below:

            =IIF(Fields!Year.Value = "Total",Fields!Bike.Value,"")

Im My “Series Properties” ->“Fill”->”Pick color”-> “Color expression” is as below:


For Percentage calculation, below is my expression: “Series Properties” -> “Configure Series data” -> “Value field”


EDIT: after adding an expression [series group properties label expression],

   =IIF(Fields!Year.Value = "Total"," ",Fields!Year.Value)


  =IIF(Fields!Year.Value = "Total",(Sum(Fields!Bike.Value)/150)*100,"")

getting my output Stacked bar chart as below:

enter image description here

What is expected:

  1. ** it should show percentage, 2 decimal digit with % symbol.**

From note: The targeted sale is 150.

Hope I have explained this correctly and if not please let me know if the question required edit.

What am I doing wrong? How can I achieve this?

Also, let me know if there is any quicker and easier way to do this in SSRS-2017 Please help. Thanks.


1 Answers


After using expression :

=IIF(Fields!Year.Value = "Total",Format((Sum(Fields!Bike.Value)/150)*100,"F2")+"%","")

enter image description here