
Is it possible to create and configure an Azure application registration using an Azure DevOps pipeline?

I'm working on setting up a bot from Microsoft Bot Framework 4.4+. Ideally, I'd like to be able to create all of the Azure resources (including the application registration) with a click of a button from Azure DevOps. I'd also like to be able to tear all those resources down with another click of a button.

This question is fairly straight forward, but I can't seem to find much documentation.


2 Answers


One idea could be:

  • Use an Azure CLI task (see doc here) in your pipeline.
  • Use the az ad app create CLI command (doc here) in this task

Bots are Azure AD apps, you can find your existing ones using az ad app list


Another way to achieve this could be to add a Powershell task to your pipeline.

Here is Microsoft Documentation on adding a Powershell Task

Then make use of New-AzureRmADApplication or New-AzADApplication

New-AzureRmADApplication -DisplayName "NewApplication" -HomePage "http://www.microsoft.com" -IdentifierUris "http://NewApplication"


New-AzADApplication -DisplayName "NewApplication" -HomePage "http://www.microsoft.com" -IdentifierUris "http://NewApplication"