There is this extension for Joomla called Jreviews. It has a module which lists the section and categories of Joomla in a tree structure. I wanted to convert it into a double drop down.
I got one script from that makes the section and categories of a Joomla website in a double drop down. I just had to modify its resultant URL, to match it with Jreviews tree structure URL and I would be done.
In the script, there's this piece of code that I discovered:
var iCatID = document.getElementById('catselect_cat').value;
var iSecID = document.getElementById('catselect_sec').value;
if (iCatID != 0)
**window.location= jsLiveSite+'index.php?option=com_content&view=category&layout=blog&id='+iCatID+'&Itemid='+iItemID;**
alert('Please select a section and a category');
In this piece of code, if I could replace the bold line with Jreviews directory module url's I would get the required result. In my site, the Jreviews directory has URL's for categories like this:
Is there a way to store the section name and category alias in a variable when we have their ids?
I'll post the whole drop down script which goes like this:
defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access'); global $mainframe; $database = & JFactory::getDBO(); $itemid = trim($params->get('linkmenu'));
// select the published sections $query = "SELECT, s.title FROM #__sections AS s WHERE s.published=1";
$database->setQuery($query); $sections = $database->loadObjectList();
$query = "SELECT, c.title, c.section FROM #__categories AS c " ."WHERE c.published=1";
$database->setQuery($query ); $categories = $database->loadObjectList();
// Generate javascript functions and varaibles echo (" var jsCat = [];
foreach ($categories as $item)
echo("[0,\"Select Category\",\"0\"]]; \n
var iItemID="); echo($itemid); echo(" var jsLiveSite='"); echo(JURI::base()); echo("'; \n
function jsRemoveAll(cControl) { var cCat = document.getElementById(cControl);
for( var i=(cCat.options.length - 1); i >=0 ; i--)
function jsOnSecSelect() { jsRemoveAll('catselect_cat');
var cSec = document.getElementById('catselect_sec');
var cCat = document.getElementById('catselect_cat');
var iSecID = cSec.options[cSec.selectedIndex].value;
for (var i=0; i<jsCat.length; i++)
if (jsCat[i][2] == iSecID)
var cOpt = document.createElement(\"option\");
cOpt.value = jsCat[i][0];
cOpt.text = jsCat[i][1];
cOpt.secID = jsCat[i][2];
function jsOnFormSubmit() {
var iCatID = document.getElementById('catselect_cat').value;
var iSecID = document.getElementById('catselect_sec').value;
if (iCatID != 0)
window.location= jsLiveSite+'index.php?option=com_content&view=category&layout=blog&id='+iCatID+'&Itemid='+iItemID;
alert('Please select a section and a category');
} ");
echo(""); //Generate form echo("
Select Section"); foreach ($sections as $item) { echo("id."'>".$item->title." \n" ); } echo(" \n Select Category \n \n");