
I'm developing with Zend 3* on a WAMP System.

Updating composer fails with an error message like this:

composer require zendframework/zend-crypt

  • paragonie/random_compat v9.99.99 requires php ^7 -> your PHP version (5.6.31) does not satisfy that requirement.
    • paragonie/random_compat v9.99.99 requires php ^7 -> your PHP version (5.6.31) does not satisfy that requirement.
    • Installation request for paragonie/random_compat (locked at v9.99.99) -> satisfiable by paragonie/random_compat[v9.99.99].

A sideremark: I already installed crypt and it worked, only because I got the browser message bcrypt couldn't be found, I tried to install again.

My composer.json looks like follows:

    "name" : "zendframework/skeleton-application",
    "description" : "Skeleton Application for Zend Framework zend-mvc applications",
    "type" : "project",
    "license" : "BSD-3-Clause",
    "keywords" : [
    "homepage" : "http://framework.zend.com/",
    "minimum-stability" : "dev",
    "prefer-stable" : true,
    "require" : {
        "php" : "^5.6 || ^7.0",
        "zendframework/zend-component-installer" : "^1.0 || ^0.7 || ^1.0.0-dev@dev",
        "zendframework/zend-mvc" : "^3.1",
        "zfcampus/zf-development-mode" : "^3.0",
        "zendframework/zend-cache" : "^2.7.1",
        "zendframework/zend-db" : "^2.10",
        "zendframework/zend-mvc-form" : "^1.0",
        "zendframework/zend-json" : "^3.0",
        "zendframework/zend-log" : "^2.9",
        "zendframework/zend-mvc-console" : "^1.1.10",
        "zendframework/zend-mvc-i18n" : "^1.0",
        "zendframework/zend-mvc-plugins" : "^1.0.1",
        "zendframework/zend-psr7bridge" : "^0.2.2",
        "zendframework/zend-session" : "^2.7.1",
        "zendframework/zend-servicemanager-di" : "^1.0",
        "zendframework/zend-paginator" : "^2.8",
        "zendframework/zend-servicemanager" : "^3.3",
        "zendframework/zend-validator" : "^2.10",
        "zendframework/zend-inputfilter" : "^2.8",
        "zendframework/zend-form" : "^2.12",
        "zendframework/zend-authentication" : "^2.6",
        "zendframework/zend-crypt" : "^3.3"
    "autoload" : {
        "psr-4" : {
            "Application\\" : "module/Application/src/",
            "Stammdaten\\" : "module/Stammdaten/src"
    "autoload-dev" : {
        "psr-4" : {
            "ApplicationTest\\" : "module/Application/test/"
    "scripts" : {
        "cs-check" : "phpcs",
        "cs-fix" : "phpcbf",
        "development-disable" : "zf-development-mode disable",
        "development-enable" : "zf-development-mode enable",
        "development-status" : "zf-development-mode status",
        "post-create-project-cmd" : "@development-enable",
        "serve" : "php -S -t public public/index.php",
        "test" : "phpunit"
    "require-dev" : {
        "zendframework/zend-developer-tools" : "^1.1.0",
        "zendframework/zend-test" : "^3.0.1"

My localhost shows php Version: enter image description here

WAMP also shows this Version:

enter image description here

Only my commandbox confirmed the error above, it really shows php 5.6.31.

enter image description here

My first question is, why is that? Why doesn't use a new Project not automatically the server version? And last, how can I change to the right version?

Please adjust the tagging: Neither any framework nor composer is responsible for changing some PHP version. Probably, you should check on your local computer why there are two versions of PHP installed on your computerNico Haase
Remove ^5.6 || from line "php" : "^5.6 || ^7.0", in your composer.json file. The check it fails on goes on the highest value of the lowest option (so, 5.6.31 is the highest value of the lowest option (^5.6) of your required PHP version.) Also, to use "paragonie/halite", enable PHP's "sodium" module in your php.ini file like so: add extension=sodium on its own line to the bottom of that file. Requires minimum PHP ^7.2 (so might want to adjust that in your composer.json as well).rkeet

1 Answers


Live can be quite easy.

Because it ran before with bcrypt, I searched around and a composer update and server reset brought the success.