I'm trying to prove simple field properties directly from the field's axioms. After some experiments with Coq's native field support (like this one) I decided it's better to simply write down the 10 axioms and make it self contained. I encountered a difficulty when I needed to use rewrite
with my own ==
operator which naturally did not work. I realize I have to add some axioms that my ==
is reflexive, symmetrical and transitive, but I wondered if that is all it takes? or maybe there is an even easier way to use rewrite
with a user defined ==
? Here is my Coq code:
Variable (F:Type).
Variable (zero:F).
Variable (one :F).
Variable (add: F -> F -> F).
Variable (mul: F -> F -> F).
Variable (opposite: F -> F).
Variable (inverse : F -> F).
Variable (eq: F -> F -> Prop).
Axiom add_assoc: forall (a b c : F), (eq (add (add a b) c) (add a (add b c))).
Axiom mul_assoc: forall (a b c : F), (eq (mul (mul a b) c) (mul a (mul b c))).
Axiom add_comm : forall (a b : F), (eq (add a b) (add b a)).
Axiom mul_comm : forall (a b : F), (eq (mul a b) (mul b a)).
Axiom distr1 : forall (a b c : F), (eq (mul a (add b c)) (add (mul a b) (mul a c))).
Axiom distr2 : forall (a b c : F), (eq (mul (add a b) c) (add (mul a c) (mul b c))).
Axiom add_id1 : forall (a : F), (eq (add a zero) a).
Axiom mul_id1 : forall (a : F), (eq (mul a one) a).
Axiom add_id2 : forall (a : F), (eq (add zero a) a).
Axiom mul_id2 : forall (a : F), (eq (mul one a) a).
Axiom add_inv1 : forall (a : F), exists b, (eq (add a b) zero).
Axiom add_inv2 : forall (a : F), exists b, (eq (add b a) zero).
Axiom mul_inv1 : forall (a : F), exists b, (eq (mul a b) one).
Axiom mul_inv2 : forall (a : F), exists b, (eq (mul b a) one).
(* Field notations *)
Notation "0" := zero.
Notation "1" := one.
Infix "+" := add.
Infix "*" := mul.
(* Field notations *)
Infix "==" := eq (at level 70, no associativity).
Lemma mul_0_l: forall v, (0 * v == 0).
intros v.
specialize add_id1 with (0 * v).
intros H.
At this point I have the assumption H : 0 * v + 0 == 0 * v
and goal
0 * v == 0
. When I tried to rewrite H
, it naturally fails.