I have an Excel AddIn written in Delphi that has a VCL form with a TMemo on it. When I try to enter text into the Memo the input goes to Excel instead.
When I start the form modal (ShowModal
), all works fine but obviously it's not possible to work with the main excel window and the addin's window concurrently.
The issue seems to be the exact similar to this question: Modeless form cannot receive keyboard input in Excel Add-in developed by Delphi
This answer suggests to handle WM_PARENTNOTIFY
so I tried the following:
TMyForm = class(TForm)
procedure OnParentNotify(var Msg: TMessage); message WM_PARENTNOTIFY;
And in that procedure tried things like SetFocus
, WinApi.Windows.SetFocus(self.Handle)
, SetForeGroundWindows
, SetActiveWindow
but that doesn't appear to work.
Other suggestions I've read is to run the UI in a different thread (which is of course not possible with VCL) and to install a keyboard hook with SetWindowsHookEx
. Obviously that will give us keypress events but not sure what to do with those.
I am not using 3rd party tooling such as Add-In Express but just implementing IDTExtensibility2
EDIT: more research suggests that Office uses an interface called IMsoComponent and and IMsoComponentManager as a way of tracking the active component in the application. Visual Studio uses these as IOleComponent and IOleComponentManager.
This link and this one suggest to register a new empty IOleComponent/IMsoComponent.
EDIT: MCVE can be fetched here, it's the smallest possible Excel AddIn code that will launch a VCL Form with a TEdit on it. The edit looses keyboard focus as soon as a worksheet is active.