I am trying to modify the appearance of a table using kable and kableExtra packages in R Markdown knitting to PDF output.
In particular, I would like to remove all borders from the table and add only one horizontal line under the header and one vertical line next to the row names.
At the moment, I have this code:
header-includes: \setmainfont[Path = C:/Windows/Fonts/]{Arial}
latex_engine: xelatex
word_document: default
```{r echo=FALSE, message=FALSE, warning=F, paged.print=TRUE}
DATA<- data.frame(jen=c(1,2,3,4,5), feb=c(2,3,4,5,3), mar=c(0,2,4,1,2))
kable(DATA, "latex")
Which generates this table:
To delete all borders, I set default borders to be white as the answer to this question suggested.
Now, I would like to add an horizontal blue line under the header and a vertical blue line at the right side of the row names.
I can manage to get the horizontal line with the following:
header-includes: \setmainfont[Path = C:/Windows/Fonts/]{Arial}
latex_engine: xelatex
```{r echo=FALSE, message=FALSE, warning=F, paged.print=TRUE}
DATA<- data.frame(jen=c(1,2,3,4,5), feb=c(2,3,4,5,3), mar=c(0,2,4,1,2))
kable(DATA, "latex") %>%
row_spec(0, extra_latex_after = "\\arrayrulecolor[rgb]{0,.275,.725}") %>%
row_spec(1:nrow(DATA), extra_latex_after = "\\arrayrulecolor{white}")
Obtaining this.
I would like to do the same with a vertical line but there is no such command as 'extra_latex_after' in the function 'column_spec'. It only accepts 'extra_css' commands which obviously do not work for a PDF output.
My goal is to get something like this. I know I can get the same result with other packages for tables, but I am wondering if it is possible to get something like this using kable.
Does anyone know if there is a solution for this?