See the treatment by Dark Otter
If the site is down use reference the backup:
which includes a reasonably secure way to transfer keys. You could put that recommendation into shell-scripts shown below for repeated use.
First get the KEYID you want from the list shown by
$ gpg -K
From the resulting list note the KEYID (the 8 hexadecimals following sec) you need for transfer.
Then envoke the tested shell scipts "export_private_key" on the first account and generate your pubkey.gpg + keys.asc. Subsequently invoke on the second account "import_private_key". Here is their content shown with cat (copy & paste content):
$ cat export_private_key
gpg -K
echo "select private key"
read KEYID
gpg --output pubkey.gpg --export $KEYID
gpg --output - --export-secret-key $KEYID | \
cat pubkey.gpg - | \
gpg --armor --output keys.asc --symmetric --cipher-algo AES256
ls -l pubkey.gpg keys.asc
#################### E X P O R T _ P R I V A T E _ K E Y #####################
Now tranfer by some means the "pubkey.gpg" (if needed) and the private "keys.asc" to the second account and envoke the below-shown program.
$ cat import_private_key
gpg --no-use-agent --output - keys.asc | gpg --import
################### I M P O R T _ P R I V A T E _ K E Y ######################
In Otter's spirit "And that, should be, that".