I have added the package react-native-fast-image to my react project which intents faster caching to load images based on priority in a faster way. Also, i have manually linked the libraries as stated here: https://github.com/DylanVann/react-native-fast-image/blob/master/docs/installation-manual.md
1 Answers
As per error, I think you haven't did a setup into native xCode. Follow the below steps to link into xCode.
In Xcode:
Add FastImage.xcodeproj to Libraries.
Add libFastImage.a to Link Binary With Libraries under Build Phases.
Don't forgot to link before doing the setup.
1) Need to drag from node_modules->react-native-fast-image->ios->FastImage.xcodeproj into under Libraries folder into xcode.
2) Add libFastImage.a into Link Binary with Libraries section.