I want to change my chart type dynamically in highstock stock chart.
Basically, I want to change the ohlc chart type to line, area, spline, areaspline, column , bar candlestick etc. I am doing this by adding an external drop down and based on the value selected in the drop down, i am changing the series type to their respective values, but there is a problem here.
The data format for ohlc and candlestick is different than it is for others, so even though the chart is rendering as line, area etc, the values are not correct.
Is there a way to add other chart types without changing data format, or if I have to change the data format, please tell me how to change xaxis also, as other data formats require external xaxis to be mentioned.
Thanks for the help.
the values are not correct
? Could you describe how it should look like? – Wojciech Chmiel