
I am trying to get a output from Linq in particular format. This question has been rephrased -

SQL View- SomeView

    Id T_Id
    4   2 
    6   5
    6   7

SQL table - User

    T_Id  fname lname
    2     mary   smith
    5     john    pope
    7     steve   blair

SomeView is QueryType, I used DbQuery to map it.

    public class SomeView
       public int Id {get; private set;}
       public int T_Id { get; private set; }

       public User User { get; set; } //can't navigate here

    public class User
       public int T_Id { get; set; }
       public string fname {get; set;}
       public string lname{get; set;}

       public SomeView SomeView{ get; set; } //can't navigate here

There are no foreign key constraint defined in database as SomeView is SQL view. You can't use Navigation with QueryType. So mapping between User and SomeView is not possible or I don't know how to do.

     public class SomeViewModel
        public int Id { get;  set; }
        public List Users{get; set;}

finally my linq in progress - 

    from t in SomeView
    group new {t} by t.Id into grp
    select new SomeViewModel{
       Id = grp.Key,
       Users = grp.Select(x => x.t.User).ToList()
       //need help here to get Users based on T_Id

Final API data output should be in following format.

  "Id" : "4",
         "T_Id": 2,
         "fname": "mary",
         "lname": "smith"
  "Id" : "6",
         "T_Id": 5,
         "fname": "john",
         "lname": "pope"
         "T_Id": 7,
         "fname": "steve",
         "lname": "blair"
Your tables imply many-to-one relationship from SomeTable to User. Hence List<User> Users in the view model makes no sense - each record in SomeTable can have 0 or 1 User. You'd better show the entity model - with proper navigation properties the LINQ query should be trivial - something like db.SomeTable.Select(t => new SomeViewModel { Id = t.Id, User = t.User }).Ivan Stoev
But SomeTable is a view. Can't use HasMany on QueryTypeBuilder.Shamal
modified question. SomeViewObj is QueryType used DbQuery to map it. I can't map it with HasMany on QueryTypeBuilder.Shamal
Still my first comment applies. SomeViewObj is the many side of the relationship, so you need a single reference navigation property public User User { get; set; } mapped with HasOne and T_Id mapped with HasForeignKey. This is how we access data in EF Core queries. If you want regular LINQ, take a look at C# join clauseIvan Stoev
You can't use Navigation properties for QueryType SQL View. I am adding details to my questions aboveShamal

2 Answers


First, I think you can use any serializer to convert your objects to the format you want.

var serialized = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(data)

Second, back to your question, here is the code. However, you need to add " around your variables and get rid of string concatenation I added for readability. Also, this code is so specific to your problem and for more generic solution go for the first approach.

var mainData = string.Join(',', data.Select(x => $" {{ {nameof(x.Id)} :  {x.Id}, " +
                                                           $"{nameof(User)}s: " +
                                                           $"[ {string.Join(',', x.Users.Select(y => $"{{ {nameof(User.T_Id)} : {y.T_Id} }}"))}]" +
var result = $"[{mainData}]" ;

As you changed the question, I updated my answer. So, you need to first join someView and user to get them together and then group by someView.id. Here is the code

        var someViewsUsersJoin = someViews.Join(users, l => l.t_id, r => r.t_id, (someView, user) => new {someView, user});

        var result = someViewsUsersJoin.GroupBy(x => x.someView.id).Select(x => new SomeViewModel()
            Id = x.Key,
            Users = x.Select(y => y.user).ToList()

Finally Resolved it this way -

 public class SomeView
   public int Id {get; private set;}
   public int T_Id { get; private set; }


public class User
   public int T_Id { get; set; }
   public string fname {get; set;}
   public string lname{get; set;}

public class SomeViewModel
   public int Id { get;  set; }
   public List<User> Users{get; set;}

   from t in SomeView
   join u in User on v.T_Id equals u.T_Id
   group new {t, u} by t.Id into grp
   select new SomeViewModel{
      Id = grp.Key,
      Users = grp.Select(x => x.u).ToList()

That was easy :)