I am having trouble with the typical Producer & Consumer problem, i have a producer function that the main thread will be operating with and a consumer function that multiple threads call; taking items from one buffer and placing them in another using a safe mutex lock. Im thinking i need two mutex locks to manage both buffers but i am running in an ultimate loop.
int add_rule_input(rule_t* rule, rule_node_t* list) {
int i, error;
str_node_t* sptr;
rule_node_t* rptr;
if(error = pthread_mutex_lock(&mut_access)){
return error;
error = pthread_cond_wait(&buffer_empty, &mut_access);
//first check to see if dependencies are in the output queue
for(sptr = rule->deps; sptr != NULL; sptr = sptr->next){
for(i = 0; i < ArraySize; i++){
if(outputQ[i] != NULL){
if(strcmp(sptr->str, outputQ[i]) == 0){
break; // go the next rule in the output q
//means the first element in our array did not have the current
error = pthread_cond_wait(&buffer_empty, &mut_output);
inputQ[bufin] = rule->target;//the element wherever the current place is
printf("buffer got %s buffin = %d\n\n", inputQ[bufin], bufin);
bufin = (bufin + 1);
return pthread_mutex_unlock(&mut_access);
My consumer function that is accessing the other output buffer
static void *consumer(void *arg){
rule_node_t* lptr = (rule_node_t*)arg;
str_node_t* dptr;
int error, i, j;
int test1 = 0;
//grab lock to read the input queue
if(error = pthread_mutex_lock(&mut_access))
return error;
return error;
// loop through all our rules
while(lptr != NULL){
// loop through each rules dependencies to compare with item in the input queue
for(dptr = lptr->rule->deps; dptr != NULL; dptr = dptr->next){
// now loop through our input q if we get the lock
for(j = 0; j > ArraySize; j++){
if(inputQ[j] != NULL){
if(strcmp(dptr->str, inputQ[j]) == 0){
fake_exec(lptr->rule); // if we get here there is a rule that needs to be executed
//update the output queue and release the lock
if(outputQ[bufout] == NULL){
outputQ[bufout]= lptr->rule->target;
bufout = (bufout + 1);
printf("bufout has %s\n", outputQ[bufout]);
error = pthread_cond_wait(&buffer_full, &mut_access);
lptr = lptr->next;
QUESTIONS: 1} I have tried to first grab the lock for my first buffer(inputq) and add items to it, if i reach a point where there are no more items then i want to release this lock so my consumer can take these items from the buffer and place them in the outputq, for some reason it seems as the main thread does not wait and release the lock?